
AbstractMass transfer rates in laminar and turbulent nonseparated boundary layers are asymptotically expanded for small values of the diffusivity 𝒟AB, with a uniform state on the mass transfer surface. Results for heat transfer follow by analogy. The thermal or binary Nusselt number at small net mass transfer rates is given asymptotically by a generalized penetration expression for short times, or for boundary layers that duplicate the surface tangential motion. For flows past rigid interfaces, the long‐time average of 〈Nu〉 is given asymptotically by a generalized Chilton‐Colburn relation in regions of nonrecirculating motion. The measurable functions aij and bij depend only on the system shape and laminar or turbulent velocity field. Formal expressions for a00 are given, and an expression for b00 in steady flows. These results agree well with data on mass transfer operations in tubes, packed beds, and fluid‐fluid contactors.

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