
Rice fields are important habitats for a variety of water birds, and their importance is increasing with the destruction of natural wetlands. This study was conducted to understand the foraging strategy of the black-faced spoonbill, an internationally endangered species, in rice fields. To achieve this objective, the feeding success rate of black-faced spoonbills in rice fields was analyzed considering the species' feeding behavior, environmental factors, and external factors. The number of sweeps per minute and number of steps per minute were evaluated as features of feeding behavior; rice field type, water level, and rice height as environmental factors; and the size of a flock and number of other species in the fields when black-faced spoonbills were feeding as external factors. The feeding success rate of the black-faced spoonbills increased as they were feeding while moving at a fast pace in a rice field with a water level of 10 cm or below, rice height of 15 cm, and without herons (competitor species). These factors may be an effective strategy to increase the probability of food acquisition by black-faced spoonbills in rice fields. Therefore, to allow black-faced spoonbills during breeding season to use the rice fields for feeding, it is necessary to maintain a water level of 15 cm or less before transplanting rice. Moreover, the use of pesticides must be minimized to increase abundance of the food resources in rice fields.

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