
Diet, foraging behaviour, and hunting habitat of a small sample of large-eared horseshoe bats, Rhinolophus philippinensis, were studied on Cape York Peninsula. Faeces of three pregnant females of the large form of the species contained Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, and Orthoptera. Lepidoptera were present in all faeces examined (n=32) and had a high percent volume in most faeces. Upon release, the females were briefly observed hunting while in flight. A radio tagged male of the small form foraged during continuous flight both in rainforest and around buildings in a rainforest clearing, where insects were attracted to artificial light. When hunting around light, the bat captured insects (moths) by aerial pursuit and, on one occasion, through gleaning from the ground. Foraging ecology of the two taxa was similar to that of sympatric Rhinolophus megaphyllus.

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