
The objectives of this study were to determine cow-calf (N = 120/yr) and yearling steer (N = 72/yr) responses to three forage systems differing in quality. We measured gain and carrying capacity and determined if creep grazing influenced gains of calves in each forage system. Forage systems were bromegrass-red clover (Bromus inermis L-Trifolium pratense L., B-RC), orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.)-red clover (O-RC), and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea L.) with N fertilization (F-N). Within each forage system, creep pastures consisting of a mixture of ‘Dawn’ birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus comculatus L.), ‘Kentucky’ bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.), and ‘Clair’ timothy (PMeum pratense L.) were available in half the pastures. Calves on the tall F-N system gained less weight than those on the B-RC and O-RC systems. Calves grazing B-RC or O-RC pastures were not affected by availability of creep pastures, but creep grazing increased gains of calves on F-N. Male calves gained more than female calves on the B-RC and O-RC systems. Calves reared on highly-infected (77%) fescue had lower gains than calves on the lowly-infected (219b) pastures. The addition of creep forages improved calf gain on highly-infected tall fescue to a level equal to that of the calves on lowly-infected pastures without creep. Yearling steers grazing the B-RC and O-RC pastures gained more weight than those on the F-N systems. Steers grazing the highly-infected pastures had lower gains than those on the lowly-infected pastures. Steers on the F-N pastures reached over 909b of their total gain by the end of June, while those on the B-RC and O-RC did not reach 90% of total weight gain until after July. Even though animal performance on the F-N pastures was lower than the other two systems, the F-N had over 29% more carrying capacity. The F-N and O-RC systems produced more hay than the B-RC system.

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