
SUMMARY 1. Subarctic ponds are seasonal aquatic habitats subject to short summers but often have surprisingly numerous planktonic consumers relative to phytoplankton productivity. Because subarctic ponds have low pelagic productivity but a high biomass of benthic algae, we hypothesised that benthic mats provide a complementary and important food source for the zooplankton. To test this, we used a combination of fatty acid and stable isotope analyses to evaluate the nutritional content of benthic and pelagic food and their contributions to the diets of crustacean zooplankton in 10 Finnish subarctic ponds. 2. Benthic mats and seston differed significantly in total lipids, with seston (62.5 l gm g )1 ) having approximately eight times higher total lipid concentrations than benthic mats (7.0 l gm g )1 ). Moreover, the two potential food sources differed in their lipid quality, with benthic organic matter completely lacking some nutritionally important polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), most notably docosahexaenoic acid and arachidonic acid. 3. Zooplankton had higher PUFA concentrations (27–67 l gm g )1 ) than either of the food sources (mean benthic mats: 1.2 l gm g )1 ; mean seston: 9.9 l gm g )1 ), indicating that zooplankton metabolically regulate their accumulation of PUFA. In addition, when each pond was evaluated independently, the zooplankton was consistently more 13 C-depleted (d 13 C )20 to )33&) than seston ()23 to )29&) or benthic ()15 to )27&) food sources. In three ponds, a subset of the zooplankton (Eudiaptomus graciloides, Bosmina sp., Daphnia sp. and Branchinecta paludosa) showed evidence of feeding on both benthic and planktonic resources, whereas in most (seven out of 10) ponds the zooplankton appeared to feed primarily on plankton. 4. Our results indicate that pelagic primary production was consistently the principal food resource of most metazoans. While benthic mats were highly productive, they did not appear to be a major food source for zooplankton. The pond zooplankton, faced by strong seasonal food limitation, acquires particular dietary elements selectively.

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