
Physiological responses, root development, yield and growth of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) (var. Tolstoy) to foliar applications of ZnSO4 during 2016 and 2017 cropping season was evaluated at high altitude cold-arid agro climatic conditions of Ladakh region. Field experiments were conducted with foliar spraying of ZnSO4 @0.5% (T1); 1.0% (T2); 1.5% (T3) and 2.0% (T4) during flowering and fruit formation stage on tomato plants over control treatment (T0). Results indicated that projected root area was highest in T3 followed by T4 treatment. The total yield of tomato was significantly increased from 34.3 and 38.1 t/ha without foliar application of Zn to 88.8 (1.5% Zn) and 77.4 t/ha (2.0% Zn) in 2016 and 2017, respectively. Average marketable yield in T3 treatment was recorded 153% and 116% higher in comparison to T0 in 2016 and 2017, respectively. Increase in dry biomass (52.21%) was also observed in T4 over control treatment (T0). Foliar application of Zn application also improved physiological parameters of tomato. Significant enhancement in leaf chlorophyll content, relative water content (RWC), membrane stability index (MSI) and significant reduction in electrolyte leakage (EL) was observed in T3 and T4 treatment. The results showed that foliar application of ZnSO4 @1.5% significantly improved growth, development and yield of tomato at cold desert Ladakh region.

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