
It has long been thought that macroscopic phase coherence breaks down in effectively lower-dimensional superconducting systems even at zero temperature due to enhanced topological quantum phase fluctuations. In quasi-one-dimensional wires, these fluctuations are described in terms of ‘quantum phase-slip’ (QPS): tunneling of the superconducting order parameter for the wire between states differing by ±2π in their relative phase between the wire's ends. Over the last several decades, many deviations from conventional bulk superconducting behavior have been observed in ultra-narrow superconducting nanowires, some of which have been identified with QPS. While at least some of the observations are consistent with existing theories for QPS, other observations in many cases point to contradictory conclusions or cannot be explained by these theories. Hence, our understanding of the nature of QPS, and its relationship to the various observations, has remained imcomplete. In this paper we present a new model for QPS which takes as its starting point an idea originally postulated by Mooij and Nazarov (2006 Nature Phys. 2 169): that flux–charge duality, a classical symmetry of Maxwell's equations, can be used to relate QPS to the well-known Josephson tunneling of Cooper pairs. Our model provides an alternative, and qualitatively different, conceptual basis for QPS and the phenomena which arise from it in experiments, and it appears to permit for the first time a unified understanding of observations across several different types of experiments and materials systems.


  • Change by ±2π, in some cases accompanied by a quantized change in the supercurrent flow

  • In 1986 Mooij and co-workers suggested that an analogous quantum phase slip (QPS) process might exist, similar to macroscopic quantum tunneling (MQT) in Josephson junctions (JJs) [33,34,35], by which the macroscopic system tunnels coherently between states whose φ differ by ±2π [36]

  • We have described a new alternative to existing theories for quantum phase fluctuations in quasi-1D superconducting wires, built on the hypothesis of flux–charge duality [61] between these phase fluctuations and the charge fluctuations associated with Josephson tunneling (JT)

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The nature of quantum phase slip

The qualitative picture of QPS originally put forth by Mooij and co-workers [36] is illustrated in figure 1, built on an analogy to MQT in JJs. If the system is damped, on the other hand, it can relax irreversibly to the ground state of the adjacent well after tunneling (indicated by the short, wavy red line in figure 1), giving up its energy to the reservoir associated with the damping, and the process can be repeated Since in these dynamics CJ plays the role of a mass, Qa momentum, and Q 2/2CJ the resulting kinetic energy, one can identify the source of quantum phase fluctuations in the JJ system: the finite junction capacitance CJ results in an energy cost to localize the position , due to the corresponding fluctuations in its conjugate momentum Q. In preparation for describing this model, we first give some background on flux–charge duality, the principle on which it is based

Flux–charge duality
Quantum phase slip
Distributed quantum phase slip junctions
Finite wires and experimental systems
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