
High-pressure (HP) veins in eclogites are the products of fluid-rock interaction and provide insight into the composition and evolution of fluids in subduction zones. We here present the Cu and Zn isotope data for different types of HP veins and their host eclogites from Ganghe and Hualiangting in the Dabie Orogen to reveal the behavior of Cu and Zn isotopes during fluid-rock interaction and fluid evolution. The HP veins include omphacite-epidote (Omp-Ep), epidote-quartz (Ep-Qtz), and kyanite-epidote-quartz (Ky-Ep-Qtz) veins. The Omp-Ep veins first crystallized from eclogite-derived, solute-rich fluids with the Ep-Qtz and Ky-Ep-Qtz veins successively crystallizing from the residual fluids after the Omp-Ep vein formation. The early Omp-Ep veins have variably lower δ65Cu (−1.32 to −1.12‰ at Ganghe, −0.70 to −0.66‰ at Hualiangting) but higher δ66Zn (0.36 to 0.38‰ at Ganghe, 0.40 to 0.41‰ at Hualiangting) relative to the host eclogites (δ65Cu: −0.71 vs. 1.84‰, δ66Zn: 0.22 vs. 0.33‰), indicating CuZn isotope fractionation during slab dehydration in subduction zones with the lighter Cu and heavier Zn isotopes preferentially entering the vein-forming fluids from the eclogites. Systematic increase of δ65Cu from the Omp-Ep (−0.70 to −0.66‰) through Ep-Qtz (0.01‰) to Ky-Ep-Qtz veins (0.46 to 0.95‰) can be attributed to isotope fractionation induced by redox changes during the evolution of metamorphic fluids, as revealed by the negative correlations of δ65Cu with redox-sensitive ratios of Fe3+/ΣFe and (Eu/Eu*)N in those veins. Additionally, the higher δ66Zn of the Omp-Ep veins relative to the Ky-Ep-Qtz veins can be explained by equilibrium isotope fractionation between crystallized minerals and evolved metamorphic fluids. Our results thus demonstrate that CuZn isotope fractionation occurred during the evolution of slab-derived metamorphic fluids in subduction zones. Binary mixing calculations show that fluids derived from dehydration of mafic rocks in subducted slabs, represented by the multistage HP veins in the present study, cannot account for the heavier Cu and lighter Zn isotope compositions in most arc magmas than in mid-ocean ridge basalts. This offset can be resolved by addition of forearc serpentinite-derived fluids enriched in heavy Cu and light Zn isotopes into the mantle source of arc magmas.

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