
We discover a new universal long-range interaction between solid objects in polymermedia. This polymer-induced interaction is directly opposite to the van der Waalsattraction. The predicted effect is deeply related to the classical Casimir interactions,providing a unique example of universal fluctuation-induced repulsion ratherthan normal attraction. This universal repulsion comes from the subtracted softfluctuation modes in the ideal counterpart of the real polymer system. The effect canalso be interpreted in terms of subtracted (ghost) large-scale polymer loops. Weestablish the general expressions for the energy of polymer-induced interactionsfor arbitrary solid particles in a concentrated polymer system. We find that thecorrelation function of the polymer density in a concentrated solution of very longchains follows a scaling law rather than an exponential decay at large distances.These novel universal long-range interactions can be of importance in variouspolymer systems. We discuss the ways to observe/simulate these fluctuation-inducedeffects.

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