
Floral color changes are common among Melastomataceae and have been interpreted as a warning mechanism for bees to avoid old flowers, albeit increasing long-distance flower display. Here the reproductive systems of Tibouchina pulchra and T. sellowiana were investigated by controlled pollinations. Their pollinators were identified, and experiments on floral color and fragrance changes were conduced to verify if those changes affect the floral visitation. Both Tibouchina species are self compatible. The flowers lasted three days or more, and the floral color changed from white in the 1st day to pink in the following days. Pollen deposition on stigma induced floral color change. The effectiveness of the pollination is dependent on bees’ size; only large bees were regarded as effective pollinators. In experimental tests, the bees in T. pulchra preferred the natural white flowers while the visitors of T. sellowiana were attracted by both natural and mimetic 1st-day flowers (2nd-day flowers with experimentally attached 1st-day flower petals). During the experiments on floral fragrance, the bees visited both natural and mimetic 1st-day flowers (2nd-day flowers with 1st-day flower scents). In both experiments, the bees avoided natural 2nd-day flowers, but seldom visited modified 2nd-day flowers. The attractiveness of T. pulchra and T. sellowiana flowers cannot be attributed exclusively to the color or the fragrance separately, both factors seemingly act together.

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