
In the 3-d-old 2-mm root tip of Pisum sativum L. cv. Lincoln the percentage of actively proliferating cells is estimated to be 70%. The remaining cells are non-cycling and arrested with 2C and 4C DNA content in G0 and in G2Q, respectively. In this work we studied the kinetic significance of these quiescent cells, using the sorting capabilities of flow cytometry and immunofluorescence techniques to detect the proliferation marker PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen) inside cells within the different cell-cycle compartments. While in animal cells, PCNA is present at a high level only in actively proliferating cells, in 3-d-old pea root tips 95% of the cells are PCNA-positive. After flow cytometry and sorting of pea non-cycling nuclear populations, all G2Q nuclei appeared strongly PCNA-positive, indicating that these cells had recently left the cell cycle. By contrast, most G0 nuclei showed a low level of PCNA immunofluorescence intensity, as measured by image analysis, with about 25% of the nuclei being PCNA-negative. This small percentage was found to correspond to root cap cells, as could be observed in the root tip section. These are the only cells in the root apical region which are fully differentiated and which, therefore, lack the competence to enter the cell cycle. In contrast, the more or less PCNA-positive G0 nuclei could represent a kinetically heterogeneous population of cells competent to proliferate, but which have either recently left the cell cycle or are progressing to the G0-G1 transition.

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