
The purpose of undertaken investigation was to test the possibility of decreasing nickel toxic influence on florescence and fructification of tomato (<i>Lycopersicon esculentum</i> Mill.) 'Koralik' cv. and cucumber (<i>Cucumis sativus</i> L.) 'Hermes F1' cv. plants by introducing into contaminated medium the ion exchange substrate BIONA 312 - ion exchange resin possessing sorptive properties and containing nutrient elements. In experiment, two levels of nickel (NiSO<sub>4</sub>·7H<sub>2</sub>O), i.e. 40 or 100 mg Ni·kg<sup>-1</sup> of the substrate, as well as two doses of the ion exchange substrate BIONA 312 ie. 20 or 50 g·kg-1 of the substrate (relatively 2 and 5% of medium weight), were applied. As a substrate hortisol and quartz sand at rate 2:1 was used. Nickel significantly influenced florescence and fructification date of experimental plants. Nickel at dose 40 mg Ni·kg<sup>-1</sup> of the substrate caused earlier florescence and earlier setting of tomato fruits, as well as significant decrease in the number of cucumber female flowers. Late and limited blooming of tomato plants growing in the medium contained 100 mg Ni·kg<sup>-1</sup> of the substrate resulted in not ripping fruits till the ened of experiment. Under these circumstances, during florescence a complete lack of cucumber female and male flowers was recorded that resulted in complete lack of fruit crop. Ion exchange substrate BIONA 312 introduced to the contaminated medium decreased toxic influence of nickel on the experimental plant species significantly increasing flowers and fruits number. Irrespective of the nickel dose introduced to the medium more efficent for the reduction of this metal phytotoxicity turned out to be addition of ion exchange substrate BIONA 312 at the dosage 5 than 2%. Moreover after introducing 2 or 5% ion exchange substrate dose tomato plants groving in the medium containing 40 mg Ni·kg<sup>-1</sup> earlier and more intensive florescence as well as eariel fruits ripeness were observed.


  • Summary The purpose of undertaken investigation was to test the possibility of decreasing nickel toxic influence on florescence and fructification of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) 'Koralik' cv. and cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) 'Hermes F1' cv. plants by introducing into contaminated medium the ion exchange substrate BIONA 312 ion exchange resin possessing sorptive properties and containing nutrient elements

  • Two levels of nickel (NiSO4·7H2O), i.e. 40 or 100 mg Ni·kg 1 of the substrate, as well as two doses of the ion exchange substrate BIONA 312 ie. 20 or 50 g·kg 1 of the substrate, were applied

  • Late and limited blooming of tomato plants growing in the medium contained 100 mg Ni·kg 1 of the substrate resulted in not ripping fruits till the ened of experiment

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Uzyskany w prezentowanych badaniach w3asnych efekt ograniczenia przez sorbent jonitowy BIONA 312 toksycznego wp3ywu niklu na roœliny pomidora (istotny wzrost liczby zawi1zków kwiatowych oraz liczby kwiatów i owoców) oraz ogórka (istotne zwiêkszenie liczby kwiatów ¿eñskich i mêskich oraz liczby i plonu owoców) wi1¿e siê z najprawdopodobniej zarówno z du¿1 pojemnoœci1 ch3onn1 wchodz1cego w sk3ad BIONY 312 anionitu EDE-10P (3,5 mmol·g 1), co zmniejsza mobilnoœæ niklu i determinuje niewielk1 przyswajalnoœæ tego metalu przez roœliny, jak i z wysokim powinowactwem do niklu naturalnego zeolitu klinoptylolitu sk3adnika stanowi1cego 44% wagowych badanego jonitu (FiediukiniKoszeljewa , 1985).

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