
A total of 18 species, four subspecies, and one variety are newly described from the Venezuelan Guayana, nearly one-half of them originating from Cerro Marahuaca of Territorio Federal Amazonas, while the others are from Cerro de la Neblina, Guaiquinima, Huachamacari, Auyan-tepui, Ptari-tepui, and Sipapo. The following new taxa are included: Brocchinia oliva-estevae (Bromeliaceae); Peperomia gentryi, P. marahuacensis, and Piper gentryi (Piperaceae); Euphronia acuminatissima (Vochysiaceae); hlex liesneri (Aquifoliaceae); Sauvagesia marahuacensis, S. guianensis subsp. sipapoensis and subsp. guaiquinimensis (Ochnaceae); Bonnetia bolivarensis, B. guaiquinimae, B. ptariensis, and B. tristyla subsp. nervosa (Theaceae); Lissocarpa stenocarpa (Lissocarpaceae); Chomelia stergiosii, Coccocypselum croatii, Pagameopsis maguirei subsp. neblinensis var. pirapucuensis and subsp. pusillus, Psychotria guanchezii and P. ronaldii, Schradera marahuacensis, and Sipanea setacea (Rubiaceae); and Gongylolepis terramarae (Compositae). A reevaluation of Euphronia gives evidence for the maintenance of three species, instead of one as previously treated by Lleras, and provides a key to the known species. A study of the variation in Sauvagesia guianensis (Ochnaceae) reveals the occurrence of five morphologically closely related but geographically separated subspecies isolated on different sandstone table mountains. A key to the subspecies and the newly described Sauvagesia marahuacensis is provided, as well as a key to the newly described species of Bonnetia.

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