
Despite several studies have used the five-factor model (FFM) of personality as theoretical background, few studies have been conducted on the topic of the FFM and sexual aggression. This study explored how the big five dimensions and features of emotional adjustment characterize different forms of sexual violence. Twenty-six male students reporting sexual aggression against women (nonconvicted offenders), 32 convicted rapists, and 33 convicted child sexual molesters were evaluated. Participants completed the Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI), the Brief Symptom Inventory (assessing state emotional adjustment), the Sexual Experiences Survey (perpetration form), and the Socially Desirable Response Set Measure. Results showed that individuals convicted for rape and child sexual abuse presented significantly more neuroticism than nonconvicted sexual offenders; child sex molesters presented significantly less openness than rapists and nonconvicted sexual offenders; and nonconvicted sexual offenders presented significantly less conscientiousness than convicted offenders. Regarding emotional adjustment, convicted rapists revealed marked psychopathological features in relation to child molesters. In addition, convicted rapists and nonconvicted sexual offenders presented significantly more hostility than child sexual molesters. Findings suggested that some of the big five traits as well as state features characterizing emotional adjustment may characterize different types of sexual offenders.

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