
We report the identification and characterization of the first supernumerary ring chromosome 10 containing a considerable proportion of 10q euchromatin by microdissection and reverse painting in a female patient presenting with short stature. Fluorescence in situ hybridization studies showed that the marker chromosome originates from chromosome 10 and includes the euchromatic bands p11.2 and q11.2. The supernumerary marker chromosome 10 was found in 14% of the peripheral blood lymphocytes analyzed. This constitutional mosaic could be confirmed in oral mucosa cells as a second cell system (16%) by interphase FISH using an alphoid centromeric probe for chromosome 10. Parental karyotypes were normal, uniparental disomy for the normal chromosomes 10 could be excluded by microsatellite analysis. The karyotype of the patient detected in peripheral blood cells can be described as mos 47,XX,+mar.rev ish r(10)(p11.2q11.2)(wcp10+,cep10+)/46,XX.

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