
Abstract Between mid-December 2011 and mid-January 2012 an unusual mixture of ctenophores was observed and collected at Kerteminde harbor (Great Belt, Denmark). In addition to native zooplanktivorous species Pleurobrachia pileus (O.F. Muller, 1776) and Bolinopsis infundibulum (O.F. Muller, 1776), non-native zooplanktivorous Mnemiopsis leidyi A. Agissiz, 1865 and their predator Beroe cucumis Fabricius, 1780 that had earlier been recorded in the area, two more predators on zooplanktivorous ctenophores were recorded in inner Danish waters: Beroe ovata sensu Mayer and Beroe gracilis Kunne, 1939. The identity of B. ovata was confirmed using nuclear marker 18S. Identification of B. gracilis was based on morphology. The presence of the observed mixture of ctenophores in Great Belt may predict future faunal changes in Danish and perhaps other temperate coastal waters. Key words: genetic analyses, morphology, non-native species, Danish waters Introduction The occurrence of the invasive ctenophore

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