
We report on Raman experiments performed on a MoTe2 single crystal. The system belongs to the wide family of transition metal dichalcogenides which includes several of the most interesting two-dimensional materials for both basic and applied physics. Measurements were performed in the standard basal plane configuration, by placing the ab plane of the crystal perpendicular to the wave vector k i of the incident beam to explore the in-plane vibrational modes, and in the edge plane configuration with k i perpendicular to the crystal c axis, thus mainly exciting out-of-plane modes. For both configurations we performed a polarization-dependent study of the first-order Raman components and detailed computation of the corresponding selection rules. We were thus able to provide a complete assignment of the observed first-order Raman peaks, in agreement with previous literature results. A thorough analysis of the second-order Raman bands, as observed in both basal and edge plane configurations, provides new information and allows a precise assignment of these spectral structures. In particular, we have observed and assigned Raman active modes of the M point of the Brillouin zone previously predicted by ab initio calculations but never previously measured.

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