
The performance of the Trondheim 1 MV AMS system for 10Be measurements has been investigated. While the initial acceptance tests were done using the 1 + 1+ charge state, we concluded that the 2 + 2+ charge state offers superior measurement conditions. With this setting, the source-to-detector efficiency is 5.4 ± 0.2% and a 10Be/9Be background level of 3.4 ± 0.8·10−15 was achieved. Standard samples (n = 14) with a high 10Be content of 10Be/Be = 2.7·10−11 could be reproduced to a 0.4% precision, leaving counting statistics as the limiting uncertainty for most samples. The accuracy of the system was also tested using 5 secondary standards of different 10Be content. The results corroborate the precision achieved with the standard sample and demonstrate the accuracy of the system.

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