
In the framework of spherical geometry for jellium and local spin density approximation, we have obtained the equilibrium rs values, r̄s(N,ζ), of neutral and singly ionized “generic” N-electron clusters for their various spin polarizations, ζ. Our results reveal that r̄s(N,ζ) as a function of ζ behaves differently depending on whether N corresponds to a closed-shell or an open-shell cluster. That is, for a closed-shell one, r̄s(N,ζ) is an increasing function of ζ over the whole range 0⩽ζ⩽1, and for an open-shell one, it has a decreasing part corresponding to the range 0<ζ⩽ζ0, where ζ0 is a polarization that the cluster assumes in a configuration consistent with Hund’s first rule. In the context of the stabilized spin-polarized jellium model, our calculations based on these equilibrium rs values, r̄s(N,ζ), show that instead of the maximum spin compensation (MSC) rule, Hund’s first rule governs the minimum-energy configuration. We therefore conclude that the increasing behavior of the equilibrium rs values over the whole range of ζ is a necessary condition for obtaining the MSC rule for the minimum-energy configuration; and the only way to end up with an increasing behavior over the whole range of ζ is to break the spherical geometry of the jellium background. This is the reason why the results based on simple jellium with spheroidal or ellipsoidal geometries show up MSC rule.

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