
Entities refer to things that exist objectively, and entity types are concepts abstracted from entities that have the same features or properties. However, the entity types in the knowledge graph are always incomplete. Currently, the main approach for predicting missing entity types is to learn structured representations of entities and types separately, which ignores neighborhood semantic knowledge of the entity. Therefore, this paper proposes the aggregation neighborhood semantics model for type completion (ANSTC), which extracts neighborhood triple features of target entities with two attentional mechanisms. Meanwhile, the spatial mapping module in ANSTC maps entities from Cartesian coordinate to Polar coordinate system, which can map similar vectors onto a concentric circle and then rotate the angle according to the fine-grained difference to achieve entity-to-type transformation. Moreover, we add semantic features from text to the entity representations to enrich semantics. Through experimental comparison on the FB15K and YAGO43K dataset, we get similar results to the baseline. We also construct person dataset in computer domain, and the values of MRR, Hit@1, Hit@3 and Hit@10 are improved compared with the ConnectE model. The experimental results demonstrate that our model can effectively predict the fine-grained entity types in the domain dataset, and achieve state-of-the-art performance.

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