
The objective of this research was to analyse the feasibility of processing sago starch into liquid sugar product with enzymatic hydrolysis method on the pilot plant scale. Optimization of the production process is carried out by enzymatic hydrolysis with the conditions of the ratio of starch and water is 1: 4, the process of liquidation at 90°C for 90 minutes with the addition of the enzyme α-amylase 1.2 mL kg-1 at pH conditions of 5. Saccharification process with the addition of the enzyme glucoamylase 1.2 mL kg-1 starch at pH 4.5 and temperature 50°C for 72 hours, purification with an ion exchange resin and evaporation with a vacuum evaporator at a pressure of 0.4 atm at 80°C for 90 minutes. Financial analysis was based on the prevailing price in ten years showed that the processing sago starch into liquid sugar product with enzymatic hydrolysis method is viable and profitable as shown by BCR 1.16, NPV of Rp 58,754,955.64, PBP 2 years 11 months, and IRR 34.73%.

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