
AbstractThe effects of seeding rate (30, 60 and 90 seeds m−2), seeding date (14 January, 28 January and 12 February), seed weight (0.18 and 0.25 g seed−1), seeding depth (3 and 6 cm), and phosphorus fertilization rate (17.5, 35.0 and 52.5 kg P ha−1) and placement method (banded or broadcasted) on field pea (Pisum sativum L.) development and seed yields were investigated in irrigated field experiments conducted in northern Jordan in 2000 and 2001. Results and treatment responses were consistent in both years. Seeding rate, seeding date, seed weight and rate and method of phosphorus fertilization had significant effects on most traits measured; planting depth however did not affect any of the traits. Generally a positive correlation was observed between each factor and seed yield and yield components, with the exception of a negative correlation between seeding rate and yield components, and seeding date and yield and yield components. Increase in seeding rate from 30 to 90 seeds m−2, and increase in P fertilization from 17.5 to 52.5 kg ha−1 alone increased seed yields by 50 and 41 %, respectively. Each delay of 2 weeks for seeding from mid‐January resulted in reductions of 12 % in seed yields. Overall, the results revealed that a combination of early seeding (14 January), of large seeds at an high seeding rate (90 seeds m−2), with P fertilizer banding (52.5 kg P ha−1) maximize field pea yields in irrigated fields in semi‐arid Mediterranean environments. With such management pea seed yields can be as high as 2800 kg ha−1.

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