
Smoking during pregnancy perturbs maternal haemostasis via activated coagulation which could include greater coagulation (fibrin-type fibrinoid deposition) in the placental intervillous space. This might affect intervillous haemodynamics and transport of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. Fibrin deposits could influence the sizes and numbers of intervillous spaces (‘pores’) and perivillous fibrin could reflect changes in the nature or activity of trophoblast. Here, we test whether or not smoking is associated with differences in the composition of villous trophoblast, the amounts and patterns of fibrin and, hence, the dimensions and numbers of intervillous pores. Random samples of placentae were taken from pregnancies classified according to smoking status (non-smokers, light smokers, heavy smokers). Stereology was used to estimate volumes of intervillous space and fibrin, test for differences in trophoblast composition and patterns of fibrin deposition at the villous surface, and determine the impact of deposits on the mean volumes and theoretical numbers of intervillous pores. No group differences were found in total volumes or surfaces of trophoblast or total volume of intervillous fibrin. However, the total surfaces of syncytial knots declined in smokers and the surfaces of syncytial bridges increased. Particularly in heavy smokers, this was associated with reduced deposits of perivillous fibrin at syncytial knots. In all placentae, the greatest deposits occurred where there was trophoblast denudation. Little fibrin was seen on thin regions of syncytium. Regardless of smoking status, intervillous fibrin reduced intervillous pore size and increased pore number. However, heavy smokers had larger pores. Reductions in syncytial knots are consistent with reports that smoking reduces the incidence of trophoblast apoptosis whilst increases in syncytial bridges are consistent with enhanced branching angiogenesis. Results confirm that perivillous fibrin accumulates preferentially at denudation sites. They also suggest that smoking perturbs the normal pattern of fibrin deposition, that the impact is greater in heavy smokers and that the placental site is privileged or active in terms of fibrinolytic or anti-coagulatory activity. This activity seems to reside in thin regions of syncytium.

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