
Bearings are critical components of industrial equipment and have a significant impact on the safety of industrial physical systems. Their failure may lead to equipment shutdown and accidents, posing a significant risk to production safety. However, it is difficult to obtain a large amount of bearing fault data in practice, which makes the problem of small sample size a major challenge for bearing fault detection. In addition, some methods may overlook important features in bearing vibration signals, leading to insufficient detection capabilities. To address the challenges in bearing fault detection, this paper proposed a few sample learning methods based on the multidimensional convolution and attention mechanism. First, a multichannel preprocessing method was designed to more effectively utilize the information in the bearing vibration signal. Second, by extracting multidimensional features and enhancing the attention to important features through multidimensional convolution operations and attention mechanisms, the feature extraction ability of the network was improved. Furthermore, nonlinear mapping of feature vectors into the metric space to calculate distance can better measure the similarity between samples, thereby improving the accuracy of bearing fault detection and providing important guarantees for the safe operation of industrial systems. Extensive experiments have shown that the proposed method has good fault detection performance under small sample conditions, which is beneficial for reducing machine downtime and economic losses.

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