
The morphology, mineral and chemical composition (48 elements) of ferromanganese crusts from the northern part of the Emperor Ridge (Detroit, Hanzei, Suizei guyots), the Amlia, Rat and Stalemate fault zones at the north west of the Pacific Plate, as well as volcanic uplifts of the Kuril and Aleutian island arcs were studied. The contents of major, trace and rare-earth elements were determined in the major mineral fractions of ferromanganese crusts (carbonate, oxide manganese, hydroxide ferruginous) which served as sorbents of cobalt and other strategic metals, as well as in the residual fraction. It was established that hydrogenic crusts containing strategic metals that indicate potential economic significance are widespread in the North Pacific. Criteria are proposed for evaluating the contribution of various metal sources to the formation of crusts, which can also be used in the study of other similar objects.

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