
An unusual type of ferroelectric behavior has been observed in barium zirconium metaniobate, BaNb1.5Zr0.25O5.25. The orthorhombic, pseudotetragonal single crystal displays dielectric hysteresis only in its c direction, with normal dielectric properties in the a‐b plane. No evidence of a fist‐ or second‐order ferroelectric‐paraelectric transition has been observed up to 1400°C. The crystal melts incongruently at about 1525°C. A maximum in the dielectric constant occurs at 80°C. when measured at 103 c.p.s. but is not accompanied by any effect in the spontaneous polarization. The temperature of this k′ maximum has the frequency dependence of a dielectric relaxation process with an average activation energy of 0.2 e.v. These properties are consistent with the idea of a higher than second‐order ferroelectric‐paraelectric transition in this material. The dielectric behavior is explicable in terms of 180°“dipole aggregates” having a wide range of activation energies of reversal. There are suggestions in the technical literature of similar behavior in other materials.

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