
The following three essays, written by historian Atina Grossmann, sociologist Myra Marx Ferree, and political theorist Joan Cocks, are a feminist contribution to ongoing debate about role of multi- and interdisciplinary work in emerging field of Studies. Defined in 1988 Studies Association Guidelines for Curricular Organization at American Educational Institutions as the interdisciplinary study of contemporary cultural, social, economic, and political life of German-speaking peoples in their historical and international context, Studies has been embraced most enthusiastically by scholars trained in discipline of literary studies. For literary scholars, Studies, often loosely associated with British Cultural Studies, has provided an opportunity to import Anglo-American methodologies developed over past several decades into their own field and to address a wider range of cultural products than was authorized by traditional canon of literature. Studies has found particular acceptance among younger, U.S.-trained Germanists poised to assume leadership of field as an older cohort of emigres whose intellectual production was oriented towards Federal Republic now moves towards retirement. To younger Germanists, Studies seems to represent a new, uniquely U.S.-American perspective on things German. As Marc Weiner put it in his provocative letter announcing policies Quarterly would pursue under his editorship: German Studies has begun to develop an identity different from that of its counterpart, (German) Germanistik, as manifested in a variety of intellectual paradigms that differ from those abroad. Despite claims to interdisciplinarity made in GSA Guidelines, then, Germanists have frequently considered Studies mainly purview of Departments, viewing it particularly as a vehicle that would allow them to broaden curricular offerings, teach courses in English, and hence reach larger numbers of students at a time of declining language enrollments. Unlike Germanists, however, proponents of Studies in fields like history and political science, other core areas of GSA, seem much more strongly committed to

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