
This paper analyses and discusses the problem of a feminine identity, as presented in the early works and the cultural position of Ona Pleirytė-Puidienė-Vaidilutė. The paper investigates the earliest writings of Vaidilutė, “Kada rauda siela” and her diary, where she wrote about her relationship with M. K. Čiurlionis. Woman presented here is active, mobile and searching for the purpose of life. The specific female experience, however, is not explicated. Man (brother, friend) is her traveling partner who helps her to search for the Truth. In her diary, man becomes the leader in their relationship and has the biggest influence on her, as she develops her identity as a writer. The reason for this change can be the change of the place where the relationship between woman and man conspire. The equal link is in the mythical place, but when it takes place in a concrete social situation, man always is a leader; he is the one showing the way to a woman. The list of the independent Lithuanians made by historian of culture V. Kavolis, which consists of more than thirty people, includes only two women. The paper states that the gender proportions in the list reinforces the idea that women were excluded from the history of culture twice; the first time, when they did not have the equal opportunity to participate in the official social life and the second time, when the cultural history itself was recorded.


  • Raðydami apie XIX a. pab.–XX a. pr. tautiná atgimimà ir já ágyvendinusius ar prie jo prisidëjusius kultûros þmones daþniausiai neskirstome jø pagal lytá – áprastai ðá laikotarpá tyrinëjanèiø autoriø darbø centre atsiduria vyrai

  • The specific female experience, is not explicated. Man is her traveling partner who helps her to search for the Truth

  • Man becomes the leader in their relationship and has the biggest influence on her, as she develops her identity as a writer

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Lietuviø literatûros ir tautosakos instituto doktorantë

Raðydami apie XIX a. pab.–XX a. pr. tautiná atgimimà ir já ágyvendinusius ar prie jo prisidëjusius kultûros þmones daþniausiai neskirstome jø pagal lytá – áprastai ðá laikotarpá tyrinëjanèiø autoriø darbø centre atsiduria vyrai. Pradþios kultûros kûrimosi situacijà, Pleirytë-Puidienë specialaus dëmesio nusipelno dar ir todël, kad ji yra viena pirmøjø ir tuo metu vienintelë „Vilniaus þiniø“ dienraðèio nuolatinë darbuotoja moteris, labai daug raðanti apie Latvijà, gana iðsamiai pristatanti jos politiná, kultûriná gyvenimà, taip pat aktyvi Mokytojø sàjungos dalyvë, vykusi kaip Lietuvos mokytojø sàjungos atstovë á Sankt Peterburge organizuotà Visø rusø ðvietimo lygos suvaþiavimà, vienintelë moteris, pasakiusi jame kalbà, iðkëlusi aikðtën lietuviø rusinimo faktus, asmeniðkai bendravusi su þymiais Rusijos mokslininkais Baudouinu de Courtaine, Filipu Fortunatovu, aptarusi su jais tuometes ðvietimo problemas, paskelbusi daugybæ straipsniø, skirtø mokytojø, mokiniø bei apskritai mokymosi klausimams pristatyti ir analizuoti, vienintelë moteris, kartu su penkiais vyrais sudariusi „Vilniaus Auðros“ valdybà, dalyvavusi ir moterø judëjime, kovojusi dël moterø teisës balsuoti ir bûti iðrinktoms, prisidëjusi organizuojant pirmàsias lietuviø dailës parodas, iðdrásusi tautos patriarchui Jonui Basanavièiui iðrëþti á akis, kad jis esàs ðovinistas. Vaidilutës tekstai leidþia matyti, kaip raðanèio asmens gyvenimas (átvirtinama kultûrinë laikysena) susijæs su kuriamais literatûros personaþais (kuriamais jø tapatybës modeliais)

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