
At the end of March 2022, Rostov State Transport University won the competitive selection for grants from the federal budget to participate in the federal project (FP) “Professionalitet” of the national project “Education”. The branches of the university were chosen as sites for the implementation of the project: the Rostov State Transport University technical school (Rostov-on-Don) and the Likhovsky College of Railway Transport.The “Professionalitet” program is aimed at improving the quality of training for Russian Railways, and provides for the introduction of new programs in the system of secondary vocational education with reduced training periods. At the same time, the preparation of students will be more intensive and practice-oriented. Young people will receive skills in accordance with the professional standards and requirements of Russian Railways.Thanks to the implementation of the national project “Education”, increased attention is paid to the development of the professional competence of teachers. In addition, they are introduced to various projects aimed at improving the education system.Railway specialties in the labor market are becoming more in demand, competitiveness is growing. The implementation of the FP is an important milestone in the transformation of the education system, a step towards the formation of a highly qualified specialist for the leading enterprise in the region.

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