
The article reveals the features of the upbringing of the determination of senior pupils in the process of physical education. Therefore, we carried out a theoretical analysis of the studied category and found that decisiveness is a volitional quality of a person, a conscious desire, which consists in the urgency of realizing a set goal and ways to achieve it. The age characteristics of senior pupils in the process of physical education are analyzed and it is found that this age period is sensitive in terms of upbringing of determination. We also found that modern students in grades 10-11 lack interest in physical culture classes, which leads to defective physical and personal development, and the like. It is emphasized that the effectiveness of the educational process depends on the use in institutions of general secondary education of a set of pedagogical conditions, content, types and methods (interactive) tested in practice, which are aimed at fostering the determination of high school students and other important personal qualities.
 The article considers that determination is one of the strong-willed qualities that are quite actively developed in the process of physical education and has an invaluable impact on high school, as it covers not only his physical sphere, but also spiritual and emotional. It is worth noting that in the process of physical culture during the study of exercises improves the physical abilities of the student and develops his moral and volitional qualities.
 It is established that senior school age is the most important period of development in a student's life. During this period, the morphological maturation of the organism ends and there are important changes in his personality, psychological and social maturation.


  • У статті розкрито особливості виховання рішучості старшокласників у процесі занять фізичною культурою

  • We carried out a theoretical analysis of the studied category and found that decisiveness is a volitional quality of a person, a conscious desire, which consists in the urgency of realizing a set goal and ways to achieve it

  • We found that modern students in grades 10-11 lack interest in physical culture classes, which leads to defective physical and personal development, and the like

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ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ВИХОВАННЯ РІШУЧОСТІ СТАРШОКЛАСНИКІВ У ПРОЦЕСІ ЗАНЯТЬ ФІЗИЧНОЮ КУЛЬТУРОЮ У статті розкрито особливості виховання рішучості старшокласників у процесі занять фізичною культурою. Проаналізовано вікові особливості старшокласників у процесі занять фізичною культурою та з‟ясовано, що даний віковий період є сенситивним щодо виховання рішучості. Тому в контексті нашого дослідження необхідним є ґрунтовне вивчення вікових особливостей старшокласників у процесі занять фізичною культурою, а саме з‘ясувати сприятливість даного віку щодо виховання рішучості [11].

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