
The article presents the results of a study devoted to the establishment of the strategy of competition for achieving various goals in professional activity among working subjects with perfectionistic orientation towards others. The subject of the research is the strategy of competition devoted to the leading goals of subjects with different intensity of the perfectionistic orientation of the personality; the object is the perfectionistic orientation of the working subjects. The subject of the study was 142 employed workers (112 women, 30 men). The perfectionistic orientation is considered as a complex of motives and attitudes of the individual, which are steadily manifested in various types of activity in conscious striving for perfection based on high demands for others, perceived from others, as well as on the person itself, which can provide advantages in achieving competitive goals. It was found that of the strategy of competition of working subjects with perfectionistic orientation towards others include: social goals ("leadership", "higher job position", "praise and support of colleagues"), goals, associated with professional activity ("stability of work performance", "high quality of work performance") and themselves as subjects of the professional activity ("demonstration of an individual style of work performance"). Than the content of the components of the competition strategy to achieve them was established. Competition strategies for achieving the goals of "praise and support of colleagues", "demonstration of an individual style of work performance", "stability of work performance" are insufficiently formed, since they are supported by the content of only one component of the competition strategy or are characterized by the negative influence of the content of all its components. Competition strategies devoted to the goals of "leadership", "higher job position" and "high quality of work performance" are more stable and formed due to their reinforcement by the content of all components of their competition strategy. The data obtained by the authors on the content of competition strategies to achieve these goals allow us to detect motives, behavioral attitudes and actions towards competitors, as well as ideas about them that can ensure the success of subjects with high demands on others in activities related to teamwork. The novelty of the work lies in the study of the achievement of various goals of competition in their complex conditionality by the content of each of the components of the competition strategy of subjects with a perfectionist orientation, focused on others.

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