
Light propagation in uniaxial chiral liquid crystals with large pitch was studied. Vicinities of turning points were analyzed, and the effect of extraordinary wave transmission through bandgap layers was considered. It was shown that the description of wave transmission through the forbidden zone in the general case requires taking into account the existence of four singular points, two of which are responsible for the interaction of extraordinary rays and two points are responsible for the interaction of ordinary and extraordinary rays. Ray transmission in the case of wide bandgap layers was analyzed, when regions of applicability of the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) approximation take place between singular points. The case of narrow bandgap layers, where singular points merge, was studied in detail. It was shown that the effect of ray transmission through such a zone and the above-barrier reflection effect is equivalent to the tunneling effect for the parabolic potential barrier. Angular dependences of the intensity of rays subject to internal refraction and transmitted through the bandgap layer were calculated. It was shown that the tunneling effect can be experimentally observed.

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