
The presence of a sufficient number of different forms of ownership and forms of management in the agricultural sector complicates the mechanism of financial investment in enterprises of the appropriate profile. It also affects investment processes in the agricultural sector. Stimulating investments in the agricultural sector has a decisive impact on both agriculture and the development of the economy in general. In the agrarian policy of Ukraine, as in the agrarian policy of developed countries, increasing investment attractiveness is one of the priorities. Of course, economic development is impossible without investments. From this point of view, the question of forming a financing mechanism for the sustainable development of agriculture remains relevant. Currently, investment growth is one of the main conditions for meeting the demand for high technologies, which is determined by the need for intensive development of agriculture. Low investment activity in the past years, the scale of investments in the fixed capital of agriculture do not meet the real needs of renewal and modernization of production. Therefore, the most urgent task for the development of the agricultural industry is the formation of a favorable investment climate and the activation of investment activities of all business entities. This is possible mainly on the basis of increasing investment activity while simultaneously increasing the efficiency of investment, especially innovative, which is very important in the conditions of limited resources necessary for rational financing of the development of agricultural production. Investments increase production productivity, increase the availability of food in the market and help keep prices low, making food more affordable for rural and urban consumers. Also, investments in agriculture reduce the vulnerability of food supplies to shocks, contributing to the stability of consumption. A favorable investment climate helps mobilize capital, skills, technology, and intermediate resources that enable firms to expand, thereby helping to direct resources to more productive uses.

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