
We consider feature selection for text classification both theoretically and empirically. Our main result is an unsupervised feature selection strategy for which we give worst-case theoretical guarantees on the generalization power of the resultant classification function f with respect to the classification function f obtained when keeping all the features. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first feature selection method with such guarantees. In addition, the analysis leads to insights as to when and why this feature selection strategy will perform well in practice. We then use the TechTC-100, 20-Newsgroups, and Reuters-RCV2 data sets to evaluate empirically the performance of this and two simpler but related feature selection strategies against two commonly-used strategies. Our empirical evaluation shows that the strategy with provable performance guarantees performs well in comparison with other commonly-used feature selection strategies. In addition, it performs better on certain datasets under very aggressive feature selection.

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