
High ductility in traditional beam-to-column connections is often coupled withbeam local buckling. These plastic local buckling deformations are difficult andvery costly to repair in any post-disaster reconstruction. This paper investigatesa new connection consisting of an extended end-plate, long shank SMA bolts,continuity plates, beam flange ribs and web stiffeners. Advanced 3D models oftraditional end-plate bolted connection and the SMA connection are created,and the behavior of the two types of connections is compared. The results showobvious cyclic elongations of the bolts in the SMA connection compared to thebeam local buckling in the traditional connection. Rather than the plastic hingeforming away from the column face in the traditional connection, a superelastichinge forms just at the beam-to-column interface in the SMA connection with themoment-carrying capacity of bolt cluster controlled below the elastic flexuralcapacity of the connecting beam. The connection deformations are recoverable uponunloading. Moreover, the SMA connection ductility is significantly influenced bythe length of the SMA bolts. For SMA bolts which are 1.2 times longer thanthe standard bolt, the inelastic interstory drift angle reaches 0.035 rad, whichindicates that the proposed connection can be designed with sufficient ductility.

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