
Macroalgae are increasingly regarded as a potential feedstock for sustainable biobutanol production. However, macroalgae cell-wall polysaccharides must be properly pretreated for subsequent efficient enzymatic hydrolysis to fermentable sugar. The effects of different chemicals (H2SO4 and NaOH), chemical concentrations (1–9% (w v−1) H2SO4), pretreatment temperatures (95 °C and 121 °C), and times (30 and 60 min) with Rhizoclonium spp. on the efficiency of the subsequent hydrolysis were studied. The results showed that the highest sugar released in the hydrolysate of 558 mg sugar per g algae was obtained from algae pretreated with 3% H2SO4 at 95 °C for 1 h. Acetone, butanol ethanol fermentation by Clostridium beijerinckii TISTR 1461 was carried out with low external supplementation resulting in a yield of 135 mg butanol per g sugar equal to 49 mg butanol per g algae. This work showed the feasibility of converting residual aquatic biomass of Rhizoclonium spp. into sugar rich solutions for enzymatic fermentation.

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