
To determine the feasibility of nonmydriatic fundus photography in the neurology outpatient setting and to record frequency of clinically relevant fundus findings. Over 5 weeks, fundus photographs were obtained using a nonmydriatic fundus camera in both eyes of adult patients attending our general neurology and headache clinics. A neurologist, who had received 15 minutes of training on the use of the camera, took the photographs. Quality of photographs was graded. Photographs were reviewed by 2 neuro-ophthalmologists. Treating neurologists completed a survey on the use of this technology in the neurology clinic. Feasibility parameters including ease, comfort, speed, quality, and clinical relevance of nonmydriatic fundus photography was assessed. We obtained 505 fundus photographs of 206 patients. Median time to completion of photographs per patient was 2.12 minutes. Mean rating for ease, comfort, and speed was 9.7 out of 10. Among these, 160 had normal and 44 had abnormal findings. In 114 of 206 patients, neurologists relied on photographs for ocular fundus assessment. In the remaining 92 patients, 18 patients had abnormal photographs, of which neurologists missed the abnormality in 14 (78%). All neurologists preferred nonmydriatic fundus photography over direct ophthalmoscopy. Using nonmydriatic fundus photography in an outpatient neurology clinic is feasible without disrupting patient flow or causing patient discomfort. Findings of optic nerve pallor, optic nerve swelling, or normal optic nerves were particularly relevant to these patients seen for headaches or demyelinating disease and helped inform immediate diagnosis and management.

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