
本文选取1997~2012年中国30个省(除西藏)统计数据,利用空间面板模型,研究外商直接投资(FDI)和对外贸易对中国省级经济增长的空间效应。实证结果表明,FDI和对外贸易对中国各省经济的影响存在明显的差异,本省FDI的增长不仅促进本省经济的发展也会带动邻省经济的发展,对外贸易的增加只会促进本省经济而对邻省经济影响不显著。 This paper selected statistics of 30 provinces in China (except Tibet) from 1997 to 2012, and studied the spare effect on Chinese provincial economic growth of FDI and foreign trade by the use of spatial panel model. The empirical results show that the economic impact between FDI and foreign trade is obviously different. The increasing of FDI is promoting both provincial and neighboring economic development, while the increasing of foreign trade seems to promote provincial economy but not neighboring.

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