
Microalgae oil can replace the role of fish and other vegetable oils. One of them is lipid in microalgae Chlorella vulgaris. This study aims to determine the composition of fatty acids in marine microalgae Chlorella vulgaris grown in fertilizer medium. Cultivation was carried out at room temperature, photoperiode 12:12 (dark: light); light intensity 10.000 lux and aerated for 24 hour. The optimum medium used was medium GMF fertilizer with concentration 10% (w/v). Lipid extraction used Blight-Dryer method with methanol, chloroform and aquadest as solvent. The lipid obtained was esterified by NaOH in methanol and H2SO4 as a catalyst for 12 hours and analyzed used GC-FID with capric acid as a standard. The analysis result shows that was 18 fatty acid methyl ester compounds. The highest known fatty acid methyl esters compositions was 61.52% methyl stearate; 15.52% methyl palmitate; 4,69% methyl eicosanoate and 3.34% methyl heptadecanoate from total fatty acids. The unsaturated fatty acids identified were 0.17%. EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) also 0.23% omega 3 and omega 6. Microalgae grown in a fertilizer medium produce quite high lipids. Although the levels of unsaturated fatty acids are still low, it does not rule out the possibility of being increased.

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