
Material fatigue of parts of different technical systems belongs to the most frequent causes of boundary states rise and relating operation breakdowns. The paper contains general formulation of reliability of technical systems judging, brief characteristic of basic areas to be taken in account as input into a calculated estimation of technical systems fatigue life and analysis of risk items by its practical application.


  • Hodnoteniu únavovej životnosti konštrukčných častí rozličných technických systémov sa venuje mimoriadna pozornosť na celom svete, pretože havárie zapríčinené únavovým porušením majú nezriedka charakter katastrofy

  • Extraordinary attention is dedicated to the evaluation of fatigue life of construction parts of different technical systems all over the world because breakdowns caused by fatigue failure have often a character of catastrophe

  • ␴x(t) – stress in x-location, which is a reaction on the input process F(t) and characterises implicitly quality of the tested system [TS] too, Z(t) – process of fatigue failure which is a reaction on the process ␴x(t) and which takes in account a character of the system [TS] and fatigue characteristics of used material, T(Z crit) – process of life connected with the process Z(t), which follows from the course of fatigue process and when Zcrit is order value of failure causing breakdown of the system [TS], R(t) – function describing probability of non failure of [TS] during defined working conditions F(t) and inserted qualities which generally characterises reliability as probability of working without failure

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Hodnoteniu únavovej životnosti konštrukčných častí rozličných technických systémov sa venuje mimoriadna pozornosť na celom svete, pretože havárie zapríčinené únavovým porušením majú nezriedka charakter katastrofy. Moderný výpočet rozličných technických systémov (najmä veľkorozmerných strojných a stavebných konštrukcií) preto z hľadiska možností vzniku rôznych prevádzkových havárií vyžaduje, aby v čo najväčšej miere rešpektoval dynamickú a najmä náhodnú povahu všetkých pôsobiacich prevádzkových faktorov a z nich vyplývajúcich prevádzkových zaťažení. Extraordinary attention is dedicated to the evaluation of fatigue life of construction parts of different technical systems all over the world because breakdowns caused by fatigue failure have often a character of catastrophe. It should be a dominant effort to bring conditions of calculation or experiment near to the working conditions in which the investigated system is exploited. A modern way of calculation of any technical systems (e.g. large mechanical or civil structures) demands to respect dynamic and stochastic nature of all influencing working factors and related working loads. The main reason for it is the prevention of their working breakdowns

General formulation of judging of technical systems reliability
Characteristic of areas entering the algorithm of fatigue life estimation
Working conditions – a source of working loads
Pevnostné a únavové vlastnosti konštrukčných materiálov
Hypothesis of fatigue damage cumulation
Risk factors in judgement of technical systems fatigue life
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