
Mode I fatigue crack growth tests were conducted on double cantilever beam points bonded with two commercial adhesives (filled, and filled and toughened) at a load ratio of 0.2 and frequencies of 2 and 20 Hz. Using finite element analyses and incorporating the loading rate dependence of the adhesive modulus, the cyclic strain energy release rate range, Δ G, was calculated and correlated with fatigue crack growth rate, d a/d N. Fractography indicated that the fatigue crack growth mechanism in both joints involved the cracking of the filler particles and subsequent linkage of the resultant microcracks. Higher fatigue crack growth rates were found in the joints bonded with the filled and toughened adhesive, especially at the lower frequency. This was attributed mainly to the larger process zone ahead of the crack tip in this adhesive due to its lower strength. It was found that in the joints bonded with filled adhesive there exists a fatigue crack threshold ΔG th , near which there is a change in the mechanism of fatigue, whereby the crack grows predominantly through the matrix.

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