
Drinking water sources in many regions are subject to proliferation of toxic cyanobacteria (CB). Chlorination of source water containing toxic cyanobacterial cells for diverse treatment purposes might cause cell damage, toxin release and disinfection by-products (DBP) formation. There is limited information available on chlorination of different toxic CB cells and DBP formation potentials. This work: (1) determines the extent of lysis and toxins/taste and odor compound release in chlorinated natural water from CB cells (Anabaena circinalis, Microcystis aeruginosa, Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, and Aphanizomenon issatsckenka) from laboratory cultures and natural blooms; (2) assesses the rates of oxidation of toxins by free chlorine under environmental conditions; (3) studies the DBP formation associated with the chlorination of CB cell suspensions. With chlorine exposure (CT) value of <4.0 mg min/L >60% cells lost viability causing toxin release. Cell membrane damage occurred faster than oxidation of released toxins. Kinetic analysis of the oxidation of toxins in natural water revealed significant differences in their susceptibility to chlorine, saxitoxins being the easiest to oxidize, followed by cylindrospermopsin and microcystin-LR. Furthermore, concentrations of trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids (<40 μg/L) and N-nitrosodimethylamine (<10 ng/L) as chlorination by-products were lower than the guideline values even at the highest CT value (220 mg min/L). However, the DBP concentrations in environmental bloom conditions with very high cell numbers were over the guideline values.

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