
To better understand the topological organization of the primordia within the anterior forebrain, we made a fate map of the rostral neural plate in the chick. Homotopic grafts at the four-somite stage were allowed to survive for up to 9 days to enable an analysis of definitive brain structures. In some cases, the topography of the grafted neuroepithelia was compared with gene expression patterns. The midpoint of the anterior neural ridge maps upon the anterior commissure in the closed neural tube, continuing concentrically into the preoptic area and optic field. Non-neural epithelium just in front of this median ridge gives rise to the adenohypophysis. Areas for the presumptive pallial commissure, septum, and prosencephalic choroidal tissue lie progressively more posteriorly along the ridge, peripheral to the telencephalic entopeduncular and striatopallidal primordia (the subpallium), and the pallium (olfactory bulb, dorsal ventricular ridge, and cortical domains). Subpallial structures lie topologically anterior to the pallial formations, and both are concentric to the septum. Within the pallium, the major cortical domains (Wulst and caudolateral, parahippocampal, and hippocampal cortices) appear posterior to the dorsal ventricular ridge. The amygdaloid region appears concentrically across both the subpallial and pallial regions. This fate map shows that the arrangement of the prospective primordia in the neural plate is basically a flattened representation of topological relationships present in the mature brain, though marked phenomena of differential growth and selective tangential migration of some cell populations complicate the histogenetic constitution of the mature telencephalon.

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