
The senior executives of modern management face the dilemma of continuous investment in a rapidly changing ICT advancement and constant staff training needs. Modern organisations today continuously consider innovation and ICT expansion to transform their organisational structure for enhanced efficiency and effectiveness. The senior executives are interested to ensure that their ICT investment remain sustainable to achieve their long term objectives. This researcher study thoroughly and critically reviewed the literature in context of technological advancement and manpower technical skills requirements. During the fieldwork a survey was conducted in an ICT intense organisation to achieve and present a better understanding for improved performance. The major objective of this research paper is to explore the technological variation, manpower capabilities and organisational restructuring in order to identify knowledge based management for enhanced efficiency and effectiveness. The examination of management approaches within a participating organisation provides a ground to identify and analyse technological innovation for improved organisational productivity. The key finding of this research paper is the stability point between fast pace of technological change and an on-going staff training needs for sustainable development. This research paper is based on a comprehensive review of the relevant literature that conceptualise the technological challenges and continuous staff training needs for quality service delivery.

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