
of the Health Insurance Plan Medical Group at Montefiore Hospital have not kept George Silver from contributing to journals both technical and general a series of trenchant commentaries on the passing medical scene. A characteristic touch has been the gem-like introductory quotation, culled from great writings in a wide variety of fields. One of his favorites comes from William Osler: Everywhere the old order changes, and happy they who can change with it. Silver's first book, reporting on the experience of the Family Health Maintenance Demonstration, indicates clearly that few have perceived the tumult in science and society more sensitively than have those at Montefiore, and even fewer have shown the capacity for adapting to the changes with such zest. report is introduced via William James: think it is only right to discourage at the very beginning those dilettante readers who are searching for an unbiased dissertation. Its conclusion accepts the sanction of Sigmund Freud: The conceptions I have summarized here I first put forward only tentatively, but in the course of time they have won such a hold over me that I can no longer think in any other way. selections are those of the author, but they serve the purposes of the reviewer remarkably well. project was a passionate work of love as well as a careful piece of research. While the data are analyzed with proper objectivity, the dissertation itself is nicely biased and the conceptions are put forward with a freshness of conviction that demand respect even when they lack full documentation.

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