
Some aspects of fracture analysis of concrete structures are discussed in this article. In particular it is shown that when localized failure occurs (by macrofracture propagation or localization of strain) structural size effects come into play. Mesh dependent finite element solutions are then observed unless size effects are correctly accounted for. Tensile fracture is examined first. The “classical” discrete and smeared crack approaches are reviewed and their extension to nonlinear fracture models like the fictitious crack model and the crack band model is illustrated. The smeared crack approach coupled first with a tensile strength criterion, second with a linear elastic fracture mechanics criterion is then applied to the failure mode analysis of a PCRV. Plastic fracturing with localization into shear bands, strain softening, mesh dependence and its correction are examined next. The use of plasticity for tensile fracture simulation is also discussed. Finally numerical difficulties inherent to the modeling of softening behavior are investigated.

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