
Many universities are moving toward the offering of part-time, online degree programs particularly at the graduate level. Typically the dean or another administrator is responsible for devising a course cycling plan along with adequate supporting faculty resources that enables students to progress and graduate within a reasonable and expected span of time. This problem is difficult to resolve due to uncertainty of demand for specific courses contained in the program. For example: (i) the program may be delivered with flexibility in time-to-completion, meaning that students are not assigned at admission to a specific cohort that proceeds in lockstep fashion toward graduation; (ii) the curriculum may contain elective courses which inject an element of choice; (iii) some courses may require the completion of other courses as prerequisites creating demand dependencies; and (iv) not every matriculated student successfully completes the program, and empirically observed retention rates will need to be factored in. Here we propose an approach for planning faculty requirements and course offerings that meets student flow and other constraints. The methodology combines linear programming with well-known operations management concepts such as material requirements planning and flow analysis.


  • Many universities are moving toward the offering of part-time, online degree programs at the graduate level

  • On the flip side knowntechniquefromoperations the fact that these programs are offered in an management, MRP (Material Requirements asynchronous and online delivery mode Planning) was adapted to higher education mean that some of the usual constraints planning by Cox and Jesse Jr. (1981)

  • In approach to determine faculty requirements some sense, even geography is not a and course offering frequencies that meets constraint since remote adjunct faculty student flow and other constraints

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Many universities are moving toward the offering of part-time, online degree programs at the graduate level (e.g. online MBA programs). Other general challenges in academic student flow (or minimize student flow time) planning that apply to part time, online subject to staffing constraints. Operations degree programs are: course prerequisites management concepts such as the celebrated (which create demand dependencies), Little's Law was applied by Litteral and elective courses (with inconsistent and Walk (2010) to predict persistence to variable demand), and remedial courses graduation, student productivity, and

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