
Abstract Introduction Home confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic reduced the physical activity level and exacerbated other unhealthy behaviours such as vices and eating disorders. This study analyses the risk factors predisposing to weight gain in young adults during COVID-19 home confinement. Material and method Four hundred thirty-three students, aged between 19 and 25, participated in an online survey to understand the factors associated with weight gain. The following lifestyle dimensions were investigated in a regression model: physical activity, personal experiences, occupation, risk of vices. Results We have found significant associations between weight gain (as a dependent variable), and frequency of physical activity (p = 0.009), occupational performance (p = 0.002), and alcohol consumption (p = 0.002). Male respondents are more likely to have gained weight during isolation. For an increase of one unit in the frequency of playing sports, we expect an odd of 0.25 (p = 0.048) for the respondents’ weight loss. Moreover, if the occupational performance increases by one unit, a weight decrease by a rate of 0.52 (p =0.02) is expected. Conclusion In conclusion, young adults less engaged in physical activity, who assessed their occupational performance as lower, and who consumed alcohol more often during home confinement are the most likely to have gained weight.

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