
Ghana is one of the largest producers of salt in West African region yet, access to and the use of adequately iodized salt is not widespread. Using the Ghana Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2006, this paper examined the factors influencing the use of adequately iodized salt in Ghana. Factors that influence the use of adequately iodized salt included knowledge, access to information and the wealth status. Where access to formal education opportunities were not available, access to information through media still served as an important instrument to educate the public and increase the community’s knowledge on the nutritional value of consuming adequately iodized salt. Based on these findings, it was recommended that the cost of iodized salt should be reduced to make it more affordable particularly for the poor since wealth is an important factor influencing the use of adequately iodized salt. Furthermore, monitoring and ensuring enforcement of the law of salt fortification with iodine would help Ghana achieve universal salt iodisation. Key words: Ghana, iodine, iodized salt, wealth, education, media.

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