
This study examines factors that may enhance the control and holistic treatment of Buruli ulcer in an endemic area of the Ashanti Region in Ghana. A total of 189 Buruli ulcer patients from the Bomfa sub-district were treated at the Global Evangelical Mission Hospital, Apromase-Ashanti, Ghana, from January to December 2005. Diagnosis was based on clinical findings and confirmed by any two positives of Ziehl-Neelson test for acid fast bacilli, polymerase chain reaction and histopathology. Children up to age 14 made up 43.4% of the cases; male: female ratio was 3:2. The mean duration of hospitalization was 77 days and hospital stay was significantly correlated with the time spent at home with the disease prior to admission; also, 76.7% of the cases were late ulcers. Of the 189 patients, 145 (i.e. 76.7%) were treated with antibiotics and surgery which involved excision, skin grafting with or without contracture release. A follow-up survey after the introduction of the psychosocial approach recorded fewer (85) new Buruli ulcer (BU) cases of which, the majority (78.8%, 67) were nodules and only 21.2% (18) were ulcers. Health education plays a major role in the holistic treatment of BU. This paper proposes a further study in other endemic areas on the treatment of BU with emphasis on psychosocial approach for holistic treatment.

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